There are 9 countries that considered as east Africa. I got the one of the big news from Tanzania. This last updated at 18:12 GMT, Thursday, 2 October, 2008. The title of Article called “Albinos in Burundi flee killing”- On Thursday in Ruyigi, Burundi, four of Albinos moved to a provincial centre under police’s protecting. After this, Authorities had arrested six people who related to murder of an albino girl in August. The Assaulter, who in connection of this crime killed 26 Tanzanians in less than a year, A BBC correspondent's investigation there revealed that witchdoctors were behind the killings. They sought Albinos their body part to make potions what they emphasized that could make people rich. A man and a teenager girl, two of the Albino killed in Burundi, appeared their body with missing legs and arms. Police reported the tip of the girl's tongue was also removed. Neighbors of another teenage albino girl killed in Ruyigi in August chased away her attackers, six of whom were later came to retrieve her body parts when they got arrested by police. Police revealed that they were planning to sell the body parts in Tanzania. Our correspondent says that albinos in Burundi, estimated number around 200 are now living in fear for their lives, right now.
I choose this article that I considered as a news. My reasons are Emotions, progress and Reference to something negative. When you just look at the title automatically you might feel scaredand fear. And I thought it will make readers to want to read this article. When I finished reading article I hope there will be more development of albions safety in Burundi which will be progress. Also this aritcle is basically negative. I make me to read this article.