Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Summary for Physical Geography of East Africa

East Africa is region of spectacular landscapes and wildlife. It's built with huge mountains, valley and and plain. One of the famous rift valley called 'Great Rift Valley' looks like a giant scar, these cliffs rise as much as 6,000 feet. Rift valleys are places on Earth's surface where the crust stretches until it breaks. Most rift valley form when Earth's tectonic plates move away from each other. East Africa also has many volcanic mountains one of them called 'Mount Kilimanjaro', rises to 19,340 feet, which is highest mountain in Africa. The mountain's peak has long been covered in snow. This high elevation keeps the low temperature to stays the snow same. There are many rivers and lakes that flew down from Nile river (longest river in Africa) along the drier eastern rift valley. Near the eastern rift, heat from the Earth's interior makes some lakes so hot that no human can swim in them. However seasonal droughts are common in Africa. During this period, crops, plant and animal die and people began to starve. But North of the equator, areas of plateaus and mountains have a highland climate and dense forests. Temperatures in the highlands are much cooler than temperatures on the savanna, and this mild climate makes farming possible and people automatically move to another place for farming.