I got a gun
but no hope
I lean on a moist clay wall
I am in a trench
I close my eyes
but I still hear deep pain
Here, my boys are waiting for my sign
I am a lieutenant
We know
as we expected
once we go out there
we can't come back
I think
and think
I got a gun
but no hope
Sang Won,
I thought you did a really good job; describing how you felt. I liked how you used "I got a gun, But no hope" at the beginning and the end of the poem. Its effective.
Good Job (:
I love your pictures. You have great imagery. It really depicts how a real soldier would feel in a time in a war. I like how it says "I am a lieutenant." Overall I think it was a great poem.
Nice job =). Well written, describing about no hope. You used repetition, line break, etc... Your images are matching with your poem. Maybe you could you could write about more fear or death. Overall, nice job. =)
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