Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quarter 1 goals

  • In first week of my school. I got many feelings. Also I got some highlights. One highlight that is computer in library . It change to very good and nice model, and it gets faster internet. And monitor got larger. My another highlight was some of the new faces at the beginning of the year. I mean the new students. There wasn't many new student in this year, but I still feel umcomfortable to the new students.
  • My first impression of Humanities was exciting. Because this was my first time to having a Humanities class. And I was exciting to meet new teacher and classmates.
  • I have two goals of this quarter in Humanities class. One is higher my reading level. I know it is a very obvious goal but I think reading is the best way to improve your English skill. When I read books I see some of the words many time as some of the words are not. If I make sure rememer the defintion of these words, I think it would affect me a lot to learning the English. Another goal is watch and listen more TV, radio or movie that is in English. Which is going to improve my listening skill. If I watch or listen them 15 hour in a week it will help me.