Sunday, February 22, 2009

WWIII is a possibilty

I think WW 3 is possible to happen in our life time. Even after the world war 1, no one expected that Germany would start the war again. Also today nobody is expecting WW3 would happen but I think it's possible to happen. Even though United nation (UN) has stronger power than before (League of the nation) If huge war starts, they will loose their power and they might not be able to stop the war as soon as people hope.
I think war will happen in Israel, war is still happening in Israel, Gaza because after the Holocaust many Jewish people had to find their new shelter and they found the land which is now called 'Israel' but there were already many people who lived in that land so today they are still fighting with each other to get their own land. Right now, not many countries are involved with this war, but if one of the side asking for help to other country and if this situation keep goes on and on, it will lead to the WW3. During WW3, with the modern technology, many people will die. This war will give huge number of victims even much more than world war 2. And many countries will regret about what they've done.