Monday, December 1, 2008

Net Effect of Imperialism


  • More roads, building
  • Christianity spread and more people in Africa got opportunity to learn about other religion
  • Health Care(White people feared that ill from black people will spread to white people)
  • African got opportunity to learn English or other languages
  • New way of life to some African
  • appeared of slavery
  • European separate African's land
  • European took all the natural resources
  • Africa lost their own belief and culture
  • People from western forced slaves to moved to their countries

As you can see Imperialism of Africa was more negative affect more than positive.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Summary of East Africa Today

Today in East Africa, Tanzania and Kenya are popular tourist destinations. With more than 2million tourists visiting each year, because European country took off all the natural resources from these two countries long times ago, now tourism is a major source of income for both countries. A Safari is an program for tourist to view Africa's wildlife. However Tanzania is still a poor country of mainly subsistence farmers, because of the limited soil and technology. Also in Kenya, Kenya's farming would endanger Africans wildlife. One of the Kenya's product is Geothermal energy, it is energy produced from the heat of Earth's interior. Even though their countries are built of physical nature, cities of Tanzania and Kenya's are well developed. In Africa there is unique destruction call Genocide, which is the international destruction of a people between hatred of Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda. If you look at the coast region, there is something called 'The Horn of Africa' 4 countries are making this Horn of Africa. They are the Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti which located on the Red Sea and the Indian ocean. They called Horn of Africa because it resembles the horn of a rhinoceros.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Africa Current Event 3

Another news from Brundi. This article is opening to the public at 17:22 GMT, Tuesday, 11 November 2008. The title called 'Burundi opposition leader jailed' The leader of Burundi's opposition Movement for Brundi's Democracy has been imprisoned, accused of insulting the president. Alexis Sinduhje, leader of the opposition was sent to the central prison in the capital of Brundi, called Bujumbura. Police already made him stay 9days, until that time he won't be able to meet his 40 followers. After sending him to the Bujumbura, Burundi defied from the EU and the US and asked for Alexis Sinduhje release. Mr Sinduhije, the best known for having founded a popular private radio station, the African Public Radio. His lawyer said insulting the president was very unexpected.

Feedback November 10 - 14 - Imperialism Cartoon

On this political poster you might notice someone took a step on the land that formed Africa. And the land that man took his step is very dried. This political map is might showing the imperialism in Africa. I think Cartoonist who drew this poster wants to tell European countries treated African countries very badly. Because when you look on the Africa, you might easily notice the footprint. This footprint must belongs to European. And the ground they took a step is dried up because during the imperialism period in Africa, many European countries sucked up all the resources and get rid of culture of Africa. Also the picture is dark and black so this shows the bad mood. Maybe cartoonist put some words or article to make this cartoon more persuasive.

Summary of History and Culture of East Africa

For almost a century, nearly all the countries of East Africa were colonized by many European countries. Many European countries controlled East African countries and they forced East African countries to trade their resources. When they traded their resources they also automatically traded their culture too. Christianity from the Europe influenced the lives of many East African. For examples, Christian missionaries from Egypt first introduced Christianity to Ethiopia as early as the AD 300s, and then about 200 years later Christianity spread into Nubia which is an area of Egypt and Sudan today. Early in the 1200s, a powerful Christian emperor called 'Lalibela ruled Ethiopia. He built 11rock churches during his reign. As you can see, European countries influenced the culture not only take the resources.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Refection - Scramble of Africa

When we were playing scramble of Africa, We got the France for countries. Our goal was to negotiate and created a process for the partition of Africa into European colonies or spheres of influence. But also European powers are interested in gaining access to raw materials and resources for their industrialization. In this case France was interested in gaining petroleum, iron and zinc and also desires colonies in order to develop a diamond industry to rival Belgium. France also wishes to slow down or stop thee expansion of the British Empire. At the beginning of the game, my group choose place for southern and southern east to build the first colonies, because there were lot of resources and mineral that France wanted. After the first round we kept add land of southern and southern east Africa , 50 percent for each. There was some factor we considered when we add our territory, we consider if neighbor around us might attack our land. I think green(France) won the game because they got the most of the land of Africa. Yellow(Portugal) lost the game because they got the least land they needed from Africa. During this game I got confused that our goal is to claim most of the places in Africa or gain more products they interested in.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Africa corrent event 2

This news is from Kenya. The title of this article is 'Italian nuns kidnapped in Kenya'

Summary : 10 November 2008, official and witnesses said suspected somali gunmen have kidnapped two nun from Italy in Kenya and taken them to the border to Somalia. The kidnappers took them about 400 miles from the border town of El Wak to the north-east of the capital, Nairobi. gunmen were esape in three hijacked vehicles. Becuase government of Somalia is not functioning at all, they didn't know who had carried out the kidnapping.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Summary for Physical Geography of East Africa

East Africa is region of spectacular landscapes and wildlife. It's built with huge mountains, valley and and plain. One of the famous rift valley called 'Great Rift Valley' looks like a giant scar, these cliffs rise as much as 6,000 feet. Rift valleys are places on Earth's surface where the crust stretches until it breaks. Most rift valley form when Earth's tectonic plates move away from each other. East Africa also has many volcanic mountains one of them called 'Mount Kilimanjaro', rises to 19,340 feet, which is highest mountain in Africa. The mountain's peak has long been covered in snow. This high elevation keeps the low temperature to stays the snow same. There are many rivers and lakes that flew down from Nile river (longest river in Africa) along the drier eastern rift valley. Near the eastern rift, heat from the Earth's interior makes some lakes so hot that no human can swim in them. However seasonal droughts are common in Africa. During this period, crops, plant and animal die and people began to starve. But North of the equator, areas of plateaus and mountains have a highland climate and dense forests. Temperatures in the highlands are much cooler than temperatures on the savanna, and this mild climate makes farming possible and people automatically move to another place for farming.

Monday, November 10, 2008

TBAS - can we trust?

I cna trust the impormation from TBAS because firstable, this book is A newbery honor book. Also the author of this book 'Julius Lester' past through the time of slavery and I believe he didn't make up all these stories. Also every single impormation has citiaion such as page number, so It was became more easy form me to believe this story.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Africa news current events

There are 9 countries that considered as east Africa. I got the one of the big news from Tanzania. This last updated at 18:12 GMT, Thursday, 2 October, 2008. The title of Article called “Albinos in Burundi flee killing”- On Thursday in Ruyigi, Burundi, four of Albinos moved to a provincial centre under police’s protecting. After this, Authorities had arrested six people who related to murder of an albino girl in August. The Assaulter, who in connection of this crime killed 26 Tanzanians in less than a year, A BBC correspondent's investigation there revealed that witchdoctors were behind the killings. They sought Albinos their body part to make potions what they emphasized that could make people rich. A man and a teenager girl, two of the Albino killed in Burundi, appeared their body with missing legs and arms. Police reported the tip of the girl's tongue was also removed. Neighbors of another teenage albino girl killed in Ruyigi in August chased away her attackers, six of whom were later came to retrieve her body parts when they got arrested by police. Police revealed that they were planning to sell the body parts in Tanzania. Our correspondent says that albinos in Burundi, estimated number around 200 are now living in fear for their lives, right now.

I choose this article that I considered as a news. My reasons are Emotions, progress and Reference to something negative. When you just look at the title automatically you might feel scaredand fear. And I thought it will make readers to want to read this article. When I finished reading article I hope there will be more development of albions safety in Burundi which will be progress. Also this aritcle is basically negative. I make me to read this article.

Friday, November 7, 2008

5 Themes of Geography

As you can see this picture shows the Chinatown. This Chinatown is actually located on Gin Lin way in Los Angeles, California. This picture could be example of 5 themes of geography because it shows all theme of geography which are movement, region, humans interactions environmental, location and place. Idea of China move itself from China to America. Also this picture is example of Chiness region. Many people who visit this town even the tourist interact and affect by Chiness culture. Place might be Los Angeles.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Violence leads to more violence

"Violence leads to more violence" I think that this quote is realistic because for example in the play 'Julius Caesar', conspiracy include Brutus and Cassius made a plot and killed Caesar cruelly which was a violence. And this violence leads to more violence. Because after the Caesar's death Antony, Octavius and many citizens took revenge for Caesar's death. Which was making a civil war again. This war finally end by killing the Brutus and Cassius, give them huge pain. Which was more violence. Killing of Caesar leads to Civil war and killing more people such as conspiracy and poor innocent people who don't deal with anything about killing the Caesar. This "Violence leads to more violence" situation can appear around you easily for example if you hit somebody without any reasons or purpose (which is violence that cause more violence) that person might get really mad to you, and gets satisfied by hitting you back. Which more violence.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Brutus’ Dilemma

If I am Brutus during this period, I would choose and work for Rome instead of my royalty to friend Caesar. Because basically royalty to Caesar is privacy problem between Brutus and Caesar but work for Rome is very big issue and it could effect various number of people in Italy. Also I think all the appearance of supernatural omens of bad fortune happen because of the Caesar. Because Caesar wanted to be a king instead of predated the republic. On act 2 scene 2 pg. 59 Brutus says 'Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him! If he love Caesar, all that he can do is to himself-take thought, and die for Caesar. And that were much he should;for he is given to sports, to wildness, and much company" on this quote Brutus is talking about that even Mark Antony doesn't like caesar. This means that Brutus already hate Caesar and determine to work for Rome

Monday, October 13, 2008

Imperialism and Leadership

What are the qualities of a good leader? Who are the student leaders in Grade 8? How do they demonstrate the qualities of a good leader?

Basically a good leader has strong power than others and they could control us. But they also be able to manage what they are doing. For example if you are a leader or king and if one of your followers or people made problem you might have to solve the problem instead of them as a leader or king.
Nesbiett was kind of leader. When I did the Industrial Revolution project with her, she almost lead me because I couldn't handle the project by my own.
They solve the main problem in front of us as a hero. And show us what the leader does.

Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia, and Imperialism

Imperialism began to spread whole Europe during the Industrial Revolution. Imperialism had three primary motivations. They were for gold, glory and gods. Imperialism happened because of the Industrial Revolution and from western countries, such as England and France looked for more lands and labor. So they choose four big different places. They were southeast Asia, India, Two sides of Africa. Even they are different places, European all looked for these four places because they had lot of natural resources that will support the making the products, such as sugar, coffee, cocoa, rubber and fruit. Then it was easy for them to treat the workers because they were lot cheaper, eat less and work hard. Not only they made products, they also spread their culture like how do they live and it cause the changes of better schooling in Southeast Asia (which was actually good effect). Also plantation and farming on each four places cause growing of population. Sometimes, wars appeared in certain times and places because ideas from Western and Southeast Asia were different and made violence. As you might noticed, All these four places got common or simular motivations, methods, and changes during the Imperialism.

Monday, October 6, 2008

End of Quarter 1 Feedback

At the beginning of the first quarter, I made a goal that I will read many books. But I didn't took many AR quizzes. Maybe I was bit greedy, I choose long hard book to read. And it took long times to finish them also it took long times to understand the story even dough I had dictionary with me when I read book. Also for the socratic seminar, I didn't do very good job on piggy bank, so next time I will get more good informations that will support my opinions and prepare for the socratic seminar.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political cartoon and analysis

As you can see, this is a political cartoon. On this picture, a Big fat man is shaking little skinny man. On big man shirt, it say 'Capitalism' and little guy labeled as 'Labor'. This cartoon is showing us how capitalism effected labor during the Industrial Revolution. As we see big man is stealing little guy's money. The man who labeled as 'Capitalism' is incredibly fat and big because he eat food and buy stuff by money from poor labor. This tell us capitalism effected labor very badly during the Industrial Revolution. This cartoon give us very strong feeling about how bad was capitalism on the other side. Maybe if big man is shaking a child instead of adult, it could give us more strong feeling

Monday, September 8, 2008

Quarter 1 Goals Update

In the beginning the year we out personal goal. My goal was to read many books as I can. Because it is my best way to learn English. Now it's almost end of first quarter, and I think I didn't followed my goal very well. I read only 2 books I thought I will read at least 7 or more. I didn't achieve my goal yet. But I will. At the end of the second quarter. To achieve my goal, I might have more specific detail. I don't have enough time to read book during the school week. So I will read books on Saturday and Sunday at least 2hours each.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1870’s Stock Market Reflection

We played game called'stock market' Our basic goal was to make more money than others. in order to make money we had to make large profit. Buy or sell the companies . But it wasn't easy as I thought. I knew how business is hard. We didn't know which company's cost will increase. So I lost my money many times. I felt happy when I gained some money and I felt sad and annoyed when I lost lot of money(obviously). In Mr.Coyle's tips, my best tip was second one ' You must spend money to make money' First time when I heard this, I didn't understood but during the game I could understand it. When you play, sometimes you lost lot of money. So you might think don't buy any company. But that doesn't help you. I knew that in order to get rich you need to spend enough money. After this game, I knew how businesses work in our world.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pros and Cons of the IR


  • When their was IR, boom cycle happened and economy rapidly grew up so Factory got more workers, so people didn't lost their job easily
  • Many people gained more cloth and commodities because of the large product from the factory
  • It gets more easier to move place to another, because of the steam engine and rail road
  • Management in factory were not nice to workers
  • Men went for mines or physical labor, so children and women worked in the factory for around 16 hours a day
  • Pollution increase because of the many factories and trains.
  • Countries spied each others
  • Many people died because of the hard work.
  • Worker's working condition in factory was very bad

Friday, August 22, 2008

Factory game day 2 reflection

First time when we did the factory game, I thought it just fun. But this time we choose the best one and make lot of them as commodity in the factory. We follow the process of factory. For example we were the worker(laborer) we made assembly line and some people cut out the picture and some people color them and some people glue them. It worked very well, it took shorter time and it was lot more easier than people make their own. But there was big problem, we were very busy to making the product but we couldn't took a rest because otherwise management of factory fired us. I think during industrial revolution, it might be tough for workers and it's lot unfair to workers.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Factory Game Day 1 Reflection

When Mr.Coyle gave us the paper that drew circles, glue and scissor, I couldn't understand what he was trying to do. I didn't even understand what the factory game is. Later I realize we are making a doll totally by our own skill. It was kind of different than another classwork, so it was special and kind of fun. And I liked it. But I'm curious how this game will relate to what we are studying in Humanity class

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Descriptive writing of riding a roller coaster

Tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk’ sound of roller coaster is getting bigger. Which mean it’s getting closer. Red polished roller coaster coming in to the station. I see that vehicle releasing the safety device. It's showing that it’s my turn to ride. I feel exciting but also little bit scary. I sit on the black leather chair, safety device hug my shoulder and chest. “Rang~~~” red siren ringing. It’s going to start. I see the rail pointing the sky. Our vehicle going up, up and up. And now I don’t see the rail. Oh! We are going down~~. My blood running through the bloodstream hastily. My heart beating faster! Oh no! it’s too fast! I can’t see the things in my front. The strong and sharp wind whipping my face. It’s hurting. When I open my eyes, I am realizing that every things over. I sigh deeply and leave the station. I don’t have any strength on my two legs to hold my body.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Meaning of the mother of necessity, The mother of invention : The famouse inventor such as Edison, couldn't made such a significant inventions if his mother wasn't their. I mean they give us a birth, education, and sometimes when we get in to trouble they give us some feedback without any hesitations. This picture showing how education effect mother of invention

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How do I learn best?

I do learn best when I learn something visual. I got useful help to learn English by reading books. When I read books I find some words that I never seen before and if I work on it for little bit often I memorize the meaning of the words easily. Also sometimes I get problem to understand the story of the book because I don’t get picture in my mind of story also I don't understand the words. But If I watch movie of that book, it becomes easier for me to get picture in my mind. To Mr.Coyle, maybe you can show us some outsider movie to make us understand some important facts I should know it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quarter 1 goals

  • In first week of my school. I got many feelings. Also I got some highlights. One highlight that is computer in library . It change to very good and nice model, and it gets faster internet. And monitor got larger. My another highlight was some of the new faces at the beginning of the year. I mean the new students. There wasn't many new student in this year, but I still feel umcomfortable to the new students.
  • My first impression of Humanities was exciting. Because this was my first time to having a Humanities class. And I was exciting to meet new teacher and classmates.
  • I have two goals of this quarter in Humanities class. One is higher my reading level. I know it is a very obvious goal but I think reading is the best way to improve your English skill. When I read books I see some of the words many time as some of the words are not. If I make sure rememer the defintion of these words, I think it would affect me a lot to learning the English. Another goal is watch and listen more TV, radio or movie that is in English. Which is going to improve my listening skill. If I watch or listen them 15 hour in a week it will help me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Gangs

My gangs, is my hidden card. They always help me when I get in to troubles. They always trust me no matter what happen to me. Sometimes they are like my brothers. Good tighten friendship always connect us and never seperate us from each other.Sometimes we don't agree with each other, but that's fine. When I was in Korea, one day, my best friend and I forgot to do our class homework from school. But I was not desperated because there was my friends, who can share our pain. I can't live with out their friendship and they can't live without my friendship. That is my gang. I knew and feel more about the gang after I read 'Outsider'