Sunday, January 11, 2009

World War 1 cartoon

As you can see this Cartoon related to World War 1. On this poster many countries are sharing documents that represent power of the countries. I think this political cartoon shows us about what happened in many countries that had involved with World War and how did the war affected their countries. Accept some countries I think many countries might had lost many things because of the war. I think that two guys in the middle are strongest because they are shaking hand with many countries. If you look at the left side of the cartoon there is women who is crying, she is the only female. Also I think she is crying because maybe her country lost many things or defeated by other countries or women did not get their own right during the world war 1 ( Maybe that's why she is crying). If you look at the other side of the cartoon there is Italian guy who has sword. That sword represent either power of Italy or he is going to make a big war. If you move your sight to right, there is big guy who is smoking when his people busy to trading the document. This shows that during the world war 1, only high class people got most of the power. I think this cartoonist feels bad about what happen during the world war 1 also in order to make this cartoon more persuasive, he could have put some article or words that could his idea more clearly and help him to grab reader's attention. This cartoon is related to Great Power Game because this also cartoon shows they are fighting to get more power.